Inside: I'm still waiting... Merry Christmas!
Greeting cards to help you pass your laughs, smiles, winks, smirks, and grins along.
Friday, December 10, 2010
And our winner is...
Katelyn! Congratulations, and thank you to everyone who participated! It was really fun seeing which cards you liked best, and Katelyn's favorite (below), was quite a popular choice! Your Holiday Cards will be on their way to you soon, Katelyn, and to everyone else, maybe if you're nice she'll send you one ;)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Holiday Card Giveaway!
Is there anything you wouldn't take for free? I mean besides someone's dirty socks, or some chewed up bubblegum. I once told my boyfriend that I wouldn't even take this if someone offered it to me for free. He was appalled. But you wouldn't turn down these awesome holiday cards would you?
Check out my first Holiday Card Giveaway, hosted by SassyScorp on her awesome blog.

Monday, December 6, 2010
Season's Greetings
It's funny how we say that, when really, the season isn't all that pleasant this time of year. At least, that's what I think - I hate cold weather.
Inside - I guess the season's not feeling too friendly this year. Happy Holidays!
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Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hard to Get
You could have had anyone, and you chose who you chose, who yes, you love, but make sure they know - you could have had anyone.
Inside - I'm really hard to get
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Roses are Red
Here's a quick poem to show someone you care...and make sure they appreciate it!
Inside - so you can't say I don't do things for you.
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Monday, November 29, 2010
The First SOURSOP Birthday (aka Cece's birthday)
We had a Soursop Birthday! My very cool friend Cece just celebrated her ___th birthday, and our friend Kari even came all the way from Hawaii to celebrate!
So here's how it went down (I'm going to skip the part when I was at work and they were off partying without me because, let's face it, it couldn't have been much of a party :P)
Happy hour at Bluewater Grill, which has awesome...I don't remember whats
So here's how it went down (I'm going to skip the part when I was at work and they were off partying without me because, let's face it, it couldn't have been much of a party :P)
Happy hour at Bluewater Grill, which has awesome...I don't remember whats
Next - Karissa's house to make Cece help decorate her own birthday cupcakes (because she likes that sort of thing, we told ourselves). They came out really great - good job Cece!
In case you couldn't tell, Cece loves pandas
Present time!
Kari's window blinds shirt and Soursop's Happy is optional card
My (Anna's) zigzag dress and Soursop's Fairest of them all card
Karissa's black lacy print dress and Soursop's Wish for a pretty dress card
Massiel's "Cece likes gray" sweater and a pretty floral card
(Soursop doesn't do pretty flowers ;P)
Cece gave us presents too - thanks Cece!
Next - Dinner!
We had dinner at Chateaux in Irvine, and then danced the night away!
Happy birthday Cece!
Fairest of them all
I don't know why we have be so nice to people on their birthdays, but I do my best.
Inside: It said some other girl's name, but I think you were pretty far up there. Happy birthday!
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Sunday, November 28, 2010
A pretty dress
Don't you wish you could use up everyone else's birthday wishes? Well maybe if you ask nicely they'll let you!
inside: will you wish for a pretty dress for me? Happy birthday!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm saving a spot for your present
It gets pretty crowded under my tree - but I'm thoughtful enough to save a spot for your present. I'll be expecting it soon, thanks.
inside - I'm still waiting...Merry Christmas!
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Monday, November 22, 2010
You haven't aged a bit
We want to make people feel good on their birthdays...without lying. So here you go -
inside: since yesterday. Happy birthday!
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Pick up that fork - Santa can't judge us
We should be able to eat as much as we want. I mean, Santa does.
inside - Enjoy your holidays!
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My Cup of Names
Sometimes, when I forget to remember people, I add them to my cup of names. Then, when I need to think of them, I can just draw their name, remember them, and make a point to ask them how they're doing.
inside - how are you doing?
Click here to purchase you think this cup needs color?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Love Fits in a Thimble
It'd save us a lot of heartache if we could pack our love away into a little thimble, don't you think? But alas, love ain't that simple, or small - too bad for use sensitive folk, hah.
inside - But since it's not, it fills my whole heart.
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I'm thinking about adding little red hearts in the thimble...what do you think?
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Holidays are for Eating Little Men
Whose idea was it to eat little men for the holidays? I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
inside: so I hope you're happy. Happy Holidays!
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Friday, November 12, 2010
My first sale
The day after I set up shop, I made my first sale by complete accident - I was tweaking all my items because all my listings were a complete mess - and I completely panicked because my 18 items had suddenly turned into 17. I must have deleted something in all my rearranging, I decided, and searched and searched my then unfamiliar shop. As I'm sure it's clear, I finally found it in my Sold items, and marveled at how anyone would buy my card when (as my much appreciated critics said) the photos were so apparently bad, my "tags" were all wrong, and couldn't I do something better with my shop banner?
Needless to say, I was thrilled (I don't get thrilled often), and also clueless as to what to do next. My poor friend Cece got a flood of gchat messages from me (she has an awesome shop too (and sometimes I'm even her "model"!)) and she calmly talked me through the very obvious steps of shipping. Thanks Cece!
One week later, I've made a lot of changes (improvements, I hope) and am still going strong!
(my first sale - is the photo that bad?)
Needless to say, I was thrilled (I don't get thrilled often), and also clueless as to what to do next. My poor friend Cece got a flood of gchat messages from me (she has an awesome shop too (and sometimes I'm even her "model"!)) and she calmly talked me through the very obvious steps of shipping. Thanks Cece!
One week later, I've made a lot of changes (improvements, I hope) and am still going strong!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
F stands for Fired
For some reason, graduates are always excited to be done with school. But why?
inside: because now F stands for Fired. Congratulations.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tangled - Your beautiful eyes
ok i get inspiration for my cards from other places, i admit it. and this is one of the places - saw this trailer for "Tangled" the new disney and whoever they're working with film, which I think looks somewhat hilarious. Take a look, maybe you'll see a hint of my "your beautiful eyes" card in here ;)
inside: I got used to it
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I love cookies!
I love cookies! There isn't anything I love more than cookies, except for, well, a lot of things.
inside: but that's only if cookies was codeword for you.
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Monday, November 8, 2010
Peace and Quiet
You know, sometimes I really enjoy getting the silent treatment. I can sit back and read a book, watch some TV, maybe take a's really not so bad if you think about it. But, all good things must come to an end, which is what the phrase "I'm sorry" is for.
inside: I'm ready for you to start talking to me now. I'm sorry.
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Friday, November 5, 2010
Throw it all out
He puts a ring on her finger, and loves her forever right? In theory. So she doesn't need to make herself up anymore, right? In theory.
inside: And he'll probably keep that promise. Congratulations!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
It's raining men!
We all dream of the day, and then some girls go ahead and get married and their wedding day officially becomes the day when their dreams die...or come true, depending on how you look at it.
inside: Too bad you already got yours. Congratulations!
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Monday, November 1, 2010
Cheers to that!
Babies bring joy...lots of sober joy.
inside: to nine sober months! Congratulations!
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy is optional
Who says we have to be happy on our birthdays? It's just another day, the day that reminds us all that life is flying by quicker than we can accomplish anything we dreamed of doing as a child. And no, I have not yet starred in a mentos commercial, or gone on a date with Zack Morris. And that's what I'll be thinking on my birthday, when everyone is demanding I be happy.
inside: Have a birthday
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Friday, October 29, 2010
You make me bitter
It happens to all of us - a slip of the tongue, our foot in our mouths - but hopefully we can talk ourselves out of it and make things
inside: Better. I meant to say better.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Coal in your stocking
You must've done something this year to upset a red light, maybe? Lie to a friend? Call in sick when you were really home watching Full House reruns and drinking wine straight out of the bottle?
inside: Happy Holidays!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
More importantly, you're hot
Admit it, sometimes all we want to hear is that we're hot. Multiple times a day, via text, email, or greeting card.
inside: More importantly, you're hot.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How Rudolph got his red nose
Why is Rudolph's nose red? Why does it glow? I think I know why...
inside: Happy Holidays!
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Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
More than friends
I love my friends...and my more than friend too. You?
inside: but I still love my know that, right?
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
What's in your gift box?
We like to say that it's the thought that really counts, but come on now, the gift is pretty important too! What would you like to find in your gift box?
inside: It's what's in mine. Happy Holidays!
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Infinity candle
An infinity candle would be much more efficient...don't you think?
inside: because I lost count. Happy birthday!
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
If you hadn't...
I appreciate the people who help me, of course. Each and every one of them. Equally. Of course.
inside: Thanks for saving me the trouble
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Your beautiful eyes...
Sometimes, when we've been with someone for a while, we forget to notice what drew us to them in the first least I do. What exactly are you attracted to?
inside: I got used to it
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Would hate to be...
Watching raunchy reality stars makes me feel better about my life, and so do random stick men.
blank inside
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Monday, October 18, 2010
I blew them out
What do you wish for on your birthday? I mean besides pink unicorns and sports cars.
inside: and wished you a happy birthday.
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Sunday, October 17, 2010
Bundle of noise
When people have babies, we ooh and ahh at how cute, sweet, and cuddly they are. Does anyone ever mention the racket? Answer: we do.
inside: Oops. I mean joy!
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